Vibrato is a pitch effect that singers often use in their delivery of a piece of music. This effect is achieved by repeatedly altering the size of the mouth and vocal tract in a pattern that varies above and below a central pitch in an oscillating fashion. The Vibrato STYLES are based on real vocalist's vibratos. We have analyzed a large set of parameters from a voice database and created various vibrato models. The Vibrato setting names reflect the style of the vocals from which they were extracted. However, a vibrato modeled from a style or gender different from yours can sound very good when applied to your voice. Experimentation is the key to finding a STYLE setting that best suits your application. You might begin incorporating Vibrato into your sound by setting the AMOUNT control to 50%. This setting matches the depth level that we analyzed in our modeling subjects. You can then vary the effect from this middle range up or down to suit your taste.